About Us

Jim & Irismar Lawrence

Real Estate Investors

Irismar & Jim started their REI journey in 2019. With the the help of amazing new friends that were found in an extremely supportive community, they realized how to determine, plan & achieve their dreams. If they can do it, so can you.

“Irismar & I met in 2003 & we’ve been inseparable since. We love travelling, our REI community, our pooch, Harlow, & each other. We’re grateful to our partners that have taken us on a fun and educational journey that we only want to share with others. Thank you for being a meaningful part of our lives. You are truly appreciated!

We met while I was working my way up in the bank. I left the bank in 2014 as an Assistant Branch Manager & Irismar is currently working as a Bank Executive Assistant for the same partner for 10 years. I am extremely fortunat ommunity over the past few years & just feel absolutely blessed.”